Vacuum Test EVT Capsules (Formerly PVT Capsules) For Duct Inspections


Formerly known as PVT test capsules, our pre-weighed vacuum test EVT capsules test duct cleanliness in accordance with BSEN15780 and TR19, and are ready for use with duct inspection pumps. The cost includes an analysis of each capsule. EVT capsules/PVT capsules are sold individually.

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Hasman Ltd
Unit 307 Century Building
Brunswick Business Park
Tower Street
L3 4BJ

Product Manual


Preferred Vacuum Test for Ductwork Cleanliness Inspection

These capsules are pre-weighed and have a unique ID number issued by the independent laboratory. The EVT capsules, previously known as preferred vacuum test capsules, are used to assess ductwork cleanliness in accordance with BS15780 and TR19 guidance. Table 2 of TR19 lays out the acceptable levels of dust accumulation in new ductwork. This method requires on-site sample collection and subsequent off-site laboratory analysis. It determines the mean deposit weight in grams per m2 and is suitable for circular, flat-oval and rectangular duct types. This method is recommended by BS EN 15780 and applies to three cleanliness quality classes (for ventilation systems).

Carrying Out Preferred Vacuum Tests

A capsule is connected to a correctly calibrated vacuum test pump. The sample is collected by vacuuming a 10x10cm area of the ductwork’s internal surface. The information about each test must be recorded on a test sheet detailing location, ductwork class (low, medium or high) and system type (supply, extract or recirculation). The laboratory weighs the dust deposits within the capsule to determine the overall ductwork cleanliness per m2.

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


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